Dadimos Development Consultants PLC (Dadimos) is a private limited company provides innovative Technical Support to governments, non-governmental organizations and donor agencies in development sectors. Dadimos provides up to standard service to organization addressing poverty and deprivation. Dadimos focuses its research and consulting services in four main areas:
- Livelihood Security
- Social Development
- Design, Knowledge Management and Learning
- Environment
- Institutional Capacity Building
Livelihood Security Analysis
- Household Food Security
- Water and Sanitation
- Health Security
- Nutritional assessment
- Social protection
Social development
- Gender analysis and mainstreaming
- People with disabilities
- Child Protection
Design, Knowledge Management and Learning
- Facilitation of project/ program design
- Agricultural knowledge and extension system
- Baseline studies
- Formative and summative studies
- Program database management
- Environmental impact assessment
- Climate change
- Community based renewable energy promotion
Institutional Capacity Building
- Institutional capacity assessment
- Institutional system design
- Skill building and customized training