Awach Saving and Credit Cooperative Society Ltd

  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Awach SACCO Is a saving and credit cooperative established on 13/07/1999 E.C. in Arada Sub-city by Mr. Zerihun Sheleme, founder and general manager with 41 initial members. having in mind a long-range objective of encouraging saving mobilization culture and loan providers in the community with a strong commitment and belongingness, coupled with shared visions of the founders; Awach became a truly serving financial institution within a few years after the establishment.                                         
The legal personality certificate was first gained from Arada sub-city on March 13/1999 E.C. and due to its expansion, it was re-registered by the Federal Cooperative Agency (FCA) in 2009 with registration No.AG/S/C/005/09.
Awach has been certified as competent SACCOS, based on regulation No.018/2007, by scoring 81.65 points in competency evaluation.
Awach is the first SACCO in Ethiopia to be a member of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and an associate member of the African Cooperative Confederation of Saving and Credit Associations (ACCOSCA). It is a model community-based primary cooperative that has 160 employees and has 14 branches.