Countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan
Organization: Sign of Hope
Closing date: 4 Feb 2025
Organization Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V.,
Position Auditor
Type of Contract Short-term consultancy
Type of Audit In depth
Location Kenya, South Sudan and Ethiopia; Field mission travel to Turkana Isiolo and Marsabit counties in Kenya, Rumbek North & Tonji North Region in South Sudan and South Omo region and Borena zones of Oromia region in Ethiopia
Languages Required English
Application Deadline 4th February 2025
Starting Date 17th February 2025
Auditing Period From 1st July 2023 to 31st December 2024
Project Title Multi-Country Cross Border Humanitarian Emergency Lifesaving Project (HELP) for severely food insecure population in Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan.
Total Project Budget Euro 3,888,604
Annual Project Budget-01/07/2023 Euro 2,568,793
Annual Project Budget-01/01/2024 Euro 1,319.811
Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V. (SoH) is announcing an open tender procedure for consultancy services for a final evaluation in Kenya, Ethiopia (including travel to the field) and South Sudan (without travel to the field).
Background and Organisational Setting
Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V. (SoH) is a Christian motivated Organisation for Human Rights, Humanitarian Assistance and Development Cooperation. From its base in Constance, Germany, SoH is committed to helping those in distress and exploited people worldwide.
This final Audit is commissioned under the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) budget for humanitarian assistance and humanitarian mine action projects run by private organizations.
SoH is the private German executing agency and the contracting party, working with Caritas Marsabit, Merti Integrated Development Program (MIDP), Ethiopian Catholic Church- Social and Development Commission/Caritas Ethiopia (ECC-SDCO), Spiritan Community Out Reach Ethiopia (SCORE) and the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek (CDOR) as the local implementing partners.
The Multi-Country Cross Border Humanitarian Emergency Lifesaving Project (HELP) aims to ensure that critical lifesaving and protection needs of the most vulnerable drought and flood affected, severely food insecure communities in Northern Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan are met through improved access to Multi-purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA), food assistance, WASH, protection services, and capacity building. The project which runs from July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024 is being implemented in Turkana and Marsabit counties in Northern Kenya, Lakes and Warrap States in South Sudan (Rumbek North and Tonj North Districts respectively), and South Omo of Southern Nationalities People (SNNP) region and Borena zones of Oromia region in Ethiopia. SoH is cooperating with local partners in the various regions who collaborate with local governments and community committees to implement the HELP project. The beneficiaries in the areas are mainly households affected by disasters such as drought and floods, those with poor developmental indicators, and those affected by frequent communal and resource-based conflicts. The interventions are designed to have long-term positive effects in the community including rebuilding a community that has been devastated by prolonged drought, directly supporting the local economy through cash transfer programme, enabling the community to safeguard and make use of their productive assets and, preventing the community from adaptation of negative coping strategies such as distressed selling of productive assets or taking children out of school.
Audit Objectives
The purpose of the in-depth audit is to provide SoH with a sound basis for its accountability, transparency and accuracy in the financial disclosure towards the funding agency GFFO. The tasks of this recruitment relate to:
This in-depth audit will verify the compliance with standards of the funding agency GFFO, SoH, national regulations and the international accounting standards (ISA).
The auditor will review the project’s financial documents, receipts lists, records of transactions, all vouchers and receipts disbursed, and relevant project documents in order to come up with a professional, independent opinion on the financial accounting of the project “Multi-Country Cross Border Humanitarian Emergency Lifesaving Project (HELP) for severely food insecure population in Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan.” for all funds received and expended by Caritas Marsabit, SCORE, ECC-SDCO,MIDP, CDOR & SOH from 1st July 2023 to 31st December 2024
Additionally, the audit shall give recommendations on strengths, weaknesses, and required improvement in the project-related financial and human resources management systems of Caritas Marsabit, SCORE, ECC-SDCO, MIDP, CDOR who are the implementing Partners.
The audit will support the project quality assurance measures implemented by SoH and contribute to the decision-making process with regard to the project management and monitoring of finances by SoH and implementing Partners (Caritas Marsabit, SCORE, ECC-SDCO, MIDP, CDOR & SOH).
Expected Deliverables
The auditor is expected to produce an audit report, an audit certificate and a management letter, which will comprise the following:
Audit documents can be issued in English or German.
Scope of the Audit
The audit should focus on the following:
Procedures and Communication
The auditor will be given access to all necessary documents in the project offices through the local implementing partners (Caritas Marsabit, SCORE, ECC-SDCO, MIDP, CDOR) as well as relevant donor documents through SoH.
The auditor will be responsible to set up a schedule in agreement with the local implementing partners (Caritas Marsabit, SCORE, ECC-SDCO, MIDP, CDOR). Any expenses for field trips, postal and translation services and other expenses shall be included in the auditor’s proposed budget. SCORE, ECC-SDCO, MIDP, CDOR will support the auditor with logistics and arrangements, however, all payments of the contract will be made directly by SoH.
Qualifications and Experience
Submit the following documents as PDF files with the subject line “Audit in Kenya (SOH, Caritas Marsabit in Marsabit County, MIDP (Merti Integrated development Programme) in Isiolo County, South Sudan (Catholic Diocese of Rumbek), Ethiopia (SCORE & SDCO), EAB-ER-KEN23.01” to not later than 4th February 2025 23:59 EAT.
Companies as well as independent auditors are invited for this tender. Female and differently abled candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Please note that due to a large number of applications we may limit establishing contact to shortlisted applicants.
Bids received after deadline will not be considered. If offers are incomplete, bidders may be able to hand in missing documents within a deadline upon request by SoH.
The selection of the auditor will be conducted jointly by implementing Partners (Caritas Marsabit, SCORE, ECC-SDCO, MIDP, CDOR) and SoH. Interviews with shortlisted candidates will be held online.
The audit agreement will be set up by SoH and the implementing Partners (Caritas Marsabit, SCORE, ECC-SDCO, MIDP, CDOR). Audit agreements set up by auditors won’t be accepted.
Criteria and weighting for the evaluation of the submitted proposals: